CIELO – Innovative Curriculum for Latin America to build capacity in HEIs to prevent obesity

Project duration
Source of funding
Erasmus+ Capacity Building
Total funding
798 482 €
The CIELO project will create and pilot an online training and mobile app to raise awareness on weight management and mental health.
The general aim of CIELO projects is to increase the competences of HEI teachers and students in the field of health promotion in Latin America for the purposes of obesity prevention and mental health promotion. This aim is achieved by co‐ operatively developing Post Graduate Training Programme (online course of 15 credit points divided to 3 courses with 5 credit points each) and mobile application eToolkit “obesity prevention and mental health promotion” for the participating eight HEI’s.
Specific objectives are: 1) Enhance the competences, knowledge and best practices of Mexican, Chilean and Costa Rican HEI teachers, students and working life professionals related to child obesity prevention and mental health promotion, 2) Development and face validity of the post graduate training programme (15credits) in Latin American countries, 3) Development, piloting, and evaluation of the post graduate training programme online courses related to obesity prevention and mental health promotion, 4) Develop and disseminate the mobile application eToolkit for obesity prevention and health promotion, and 5) Influence on policy level sustainability of the project results in Latin America.

Contact Us
La Salle Universidad Noroste,
University of Gdansk,
Riga Technical University,
La Salle Oaxaca University,
La Salle Victoria University,
La Salle Pachuca University,
La Salle México University,
La Salle Costa Rica University,
Hispanoamericana University,
Católica Silva Henríquez University,
Del Alba University
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