Master School
Turku UAS Master School graduates are experts and
leaders who make significant contributions to their chosen fields and the working world in general.

We provide high quality expert and leadership education in a multidisciplinary and international community. Study for a Master’s Degree while working.
- 1,000 students starts every year
- Four fields: engineering, business, culture, and health care and social services
- Students graduate from our Master School, with a UAS master’s degree, a high-quality degree-, which prepares them for demanding expert and supervisor level tasks from a university of applied sciences is equivalent to a master’s degree from a regular university. Read more about the Finnish Education System.
5 reasons to study at our Master School
At Master School, you will develop your leadership and management skills as well as your professional competence in your field. Master School programmes are aimed at experts and leaders who are already qualified and working and want to enchance their skills and further develop their own field of expertise.
1. Open doors to a new kind of career development: according to surveys, professionals with a master’s degree progress further in their careers and earn higher salaries.
2. Develop your expertise and deepen and broaden your skills. Studying also gives you time to reflect on your career and discover new perspectives.
3. Prepare for your future. Studying at Master School will provide you with essential skills for your future working life, and knowledge of change and developments in different fields. You will be more prepared for what the future will bring.
4. Strengthen your networks. Master School brings together master’s students from the fields of engineering, business, health care and social services and culture. Cooperation enables wide-ranging learning and networking with experts from different fields.
5. Study for your master’s degree as you work: Master School degree programmes are designed for students to study and work simutaneously.
Apply in spring 2025 joint applications
Spring’s first joint application was held 8.1. − 22.1.2025. Thank you to all applicants! See the detailed timetable for the student selection results.
Apply in joint application on 11.. − 25.3.2025. Studies are starting on August-September 2025.

The best thing about my studies has been the fact that I’m able to work with different people from different backgrounds.
Oluwaseun Orisakwe, master’s student.
Hear the whole story
Study a Master’s degree while working? Succeeds.
The Master School’s degree programmes are designed to be studied alongside work. Face-to-face meetings take place on average two days a month, and some of the training takes place entirely online. Learning assignments and a thesis can be completed as a development task at your own workplace. However, combining busy work and busy years with studies is not easy. Read our study counsellor’s tips for studying alongside work.
Tips studying alongside work
Study skills are not self-evident, they need to be practiced and developed:
- study skills require commitment and time, don’t panic, you will develop and you will succeed!
- learn to tolerate uncertainty and incompletenes
- Identify your own way and place to learn and study
- study skills can be developed and learned more.
Plan, schedule, and calendar
- Try to complete tasks on schedule
- make a plan for completing your studies
- Record all meetings, exams, assignment submissions, group work and expenses related to your own work and free time in the same calendar.
Understand the importance of your fellow students
- Take advantage of the support, help and expertise of others in the group
- Discuss and study together, this way you will also promote your interaction and cooperation skills
- Build and maintain study motivation and a positive study environment together!
- Spot the time thieves, so where does your time go when you had to study?
- You may need to be able to give up something momentarily for the sake of your studies, for example, hobby. What would you be willing to give up?
- Cultivate self-discipline, but remember that life isn’t just about accomplishment, so make time for free time as well.
- Don’t be too yourself – you can’t be as productive every day!
Johanna Gadd, Master School’s study counsellor
How does Master School benefit students’ employers?
1. Our master’s degree programme are designed to fulfil the needs of the working world and develop highly skilled company personnel. Through high-quality, free training, employees develop their skills – and directly increase the company’s skllset. Students can complete their studies as they work, which makes them more committed to improving and enchanging the company operations.
2. The Education and training we provide are tailored to the working world. During their studies, master’s students grow their networks and increase their international sklls. Thesis topics and study activities based on the everyday life and development needs workplaces. Check out completed theses by Turku UAS students on Theseus.
3. New skills and preparation for the future. Our training gives the employee’s knowledge of the latest trends in the field – and provides them with the sklls to respond to future developments. Master School prepares students for demanding expert and leadership positions that require continuous ability to change.
Master’s Degree Programme in Business Management gave new direction
Krishna Kanhaiya graduated from a Master’s Degree programme in Business Management. The degree programme taught him a lot of new…