SkäriHUB – Wellbeing for microenterprises in Turku archipelago

Project duration
Source of funding
Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment of Central Finland
Total funding
89 429 €
The main goal of the SkäriHUB project is to find out with the pilots what kind of concept SkäriHUB operating in the archipelago meets the needs of the co-working facilities of micro-entrepreneurs and hybrid workers in the archipelago. How should SkäriHUB’s operations be organized, so that it is an accessible, community-based working environment for the archipelago’s entrepreneurs and hybrid workers and promotes inclusion, networking, productivity and well-being at work.
The project identifies and verifies
- the (multi-site) space solutions required for efficient and well-beingpromoting work of micro-entrepreneurs and hybrid workers, and determines the services needed in the premises
- tests the organization and forms of business and digital skills support as part of the SkäriHUB service concept and
- tests service packages that promote well-being at work for micro-entrepreneurs and hybrid workers.
We aim to reach the goals of this project with five objectives:
- SkäriHUB’s many forms – through the experiment, we offer three locations in different parts of the archipelago, enabling micro-entrepreneurs to participate in service trials, based on which the needs of entrepreneurs are identified to form he SkäriHUB’s criteria.
- The SkäriHUB productivity to work experimental theme, where we support micro-entrepreneurs’ competence in terms of business and digital skills through the services “Sparraus to business” and “Teaching and support for digital skills”.
- SkäriHUB about well-being and engagement at work – an experimental theme, where we support the well-being and job engagement of micro-entrepreneurs by strengthening knowledge and know-how about the possibilities and methods of job crafting, ergonomic solutions, new forms of community and the possibilities of nature and nature exercise as sources of well-being at work. SkäriHUB’s best practices – compiles the criteria defined through joint development and the SkäriHUB concept, from evaluation to an online handbook: we will build an online handbook to describe the criterias for SkäriHUB.
- Communication and coordination – takes care of successful project communication and project implementation.
- SkäriHUB –project aims at including 20 SMEs and 30 participants in its activities.

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