VAASI – Developing Competencies for Demanding Foster Care

Project duration
Source of funding
European Social Fund 2021-2027
Total funding
1 078 803 €
VAASI is a joint project of five Finnish universities to develop education and competencies in foster care. The project survey, strengthens and renews the expertise of demanding residential care in cooperation with managements, workers and experts by experience. We are building digital learning modules that give all professionals in the child protection sector to renew their skills.
The aim of the project is to develop competences, investigate professional requirements, competence profiles and training needs in foster care. Based on this information, the project builds digital self-learning materials for foster care staff. The aim is also to strengthen the structures of community learning in foster care supported by digital open learning materials.
The target group of the project is multiprofessional personnel with a heterogeneous educational background and competence profile and also family carers in foster care. The target group also includes social workers responsible for decision-making and procurement, as well as foster care service providers and work communities.

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Lapland University of Applied Sciences
Savonia University of Applied Sciences
South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences
Tampere University
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Development of Child and Family Services and Management
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