Research group
Sexual and reproductive health – SEARCH
We promote sexual and reproductive health through high quality national and international education, research and development. Our aim is to increase understanding and develop practices on sexual and reproductive health issues that are socially and globally important.

The research group brings diversity to the research of Turku University of Applied Sciences and strengthens Turku UAS’ role in promoting sexual and reproductive health and public health more broadly. The group brings together expertise from health, social work, education and other fields. We promote well-being and equality and support the realisation of human rights in different cultures.
Key research areas
Education, research and development of sexual health at different stages of life
- The development of and support for sexuality
- Promoting and supporting sexual rights and equality
- Sexual health at different ages
Education, research and development of reproductive health promotion
- Promoting fertility awareness
- The right to safe and high-quality family planning, pregnancy and childbirth and post-natal care
Developing and supporting the sexual and reproductive health skills and work of current and future professionals
Utilizing the potential of technology in sexual and reproductive health research and development

Sexual and reproductive health is a multidisciplinary research area, and we operate extensively in national and international networks. We are also happy to cooperate with new partners.
Tiina Murto, Principal Lecturer, Research Group Leader
Our Experts
Main publications
Marjatta Häsänen, Evanthia Sakellari, Areti Lagiou, Teresa Félix, Madalena Oliveira, Cláudia Bacatum, Eliisa Savola, Eva Lähteenmäki, Epameinondas Koutavelis, Marina Natsia, Sonia Duarte Lopes, Mirjam Rennit, Tiina Murto (2023). Innovative and culturally sensitive educational package for migrants’ sexual health education – ICEX project. Eur J Midwifery 2023;7(Supplement 1):A187 DOI:
Niela-Vilén, H., & Murto, T. (2023). Weight stigma in maternity care. Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare, 38, 100923.
Murto T. & Häsänen M. (2024). Kulttuurisensitiivistä seksuaaliterveyden opetusta maahanmuuttajille ICEX-projektista. Kätilölehti 3/24.
Degree programmes
- In addition, the research group commissions Master School theses in the field of social welfare and health care.

New methods for teaching migrants about sexual health
Sex education for migrants is an important part of public health. The ICEX project aims to increase sexual health knowledge and skills among adult migrants and professionals working with them.
Achieving good sexual health requires comprehensive and high-quality education.
A versatile partner
We work with organisations such as:
- University of Turku
- Well-Being Services County of Southwest Finland
- Turku parental support and shelter home
- Linnasmäki College
- University of West Attica (Greece)
- KMOP – Education and innovation hub (Greece)
- ESEL – Nursing School of Lisbon (Portugal)
- APF – Family Planning Association (Portugal)
- Estonian Refugee Council (Estonia)
- Karolinska Insitutet (Sweden)
- Högskolan Sophiahemmet (Sweden)
- Uppsala University (Sweden)
- University of Stavanger (Norway)
- Western Sydney University (Australia)
Strong project skills
Turku University of Applied Sciences’ Project Office offers support and guidance throughout the life cycle of an RDI project. Our project experts have years of experience and strong expertise in national and international funding programmes. We have more than 200 projects running every year, and our RDI activities have received more than €10 million in external funding.