Immigrants’ preparatory programme for higher education studies in Engineering and Business
Are you interested in higher education in business or engineering? In the preparatory programme, you can improve your chances of becoming a degree student and develop the skills you need in higher education studies.

Date of implementation
9.1.2025 – 13.6.2025
Scope and duration
Type of studies
Teaching language
What is preparatory programme?
The programme focuses on the Finnish language and professional field specific studies and or general studies which prepare for higher education studies. The education also includes mathematics and English studies.
In all contents, academic skills are emphasized: study and digital skills and knowledge of Finnish higher education studies
The programme is conducted in Finnish. You must have a minimum level B1 skills in Finnish. See the language skills assessment table.
After having completed the preparatory programme (30 ECTS credits), you can apply for certain degree programmes at Turku UAS in a separate application process. In the separate application, applicants do not need to take the entrance exam for degree studies, but the selection is based on the study attainments of the preparatory programme.
The preparatory programme is full-time studies and it is free of charge. The preparatory programme is not a justification for obtaining the residence permit.
Read more in Finnish
As the programme is conducted in Finnish, we offer further information and application instructions only in Finnish.