Open programming and database courses
These Open programming and database courses are provided in cooperation between Turku University of Applied Sciences and the University of Turku.
This training provides you with the opportunity to complete 1–28 ECTS credits of online courses. The studies are first-year studies of a bachelor’s degree programme in ICT. You can enrol on one course or several, depending on your own need and interest. Please note: 1 ECTS credit = 27 hours of student’s work.

Laajuus ja kesto
The Studies Are Intended for Those Receiving Temporary Protection in Finland – others are welcome!
These studies are intended for those receiving temporary protection in Finland, but anyone with an ability to study in English at a higher education level is welcome. The studies require knowledge of English at proficiency level B1 or above.
After completing the courses of your choice, you can request a transcript of records from both institutions. The studies can later be recognized and included in higher education studies in either Finland or abroad. The certificate is also an excellent way to demonstrate your expertise in programming to future employers.
The training is funded by Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland. All courses in the programme are free of charge.
Courses starting in Spring semester 2025
Want to find out more about the courses on offer? Have a look at this introductory webinar (15.9.2023): Webinar recording.
Design and Use of Relational Databases, 5 ECTS credits
- Course duration: 6.1. 2025– 15.6.2025
- Enrolment open until 31.5.2025.
- Find out more and enroll (TUAS Open UAS website)
- Organized by Turku University of Applied Sciences
Open programming and database courses organized by the University of Turku
- Fundamentals of Programming, 5 ECTS credits
- Basics of Programming – Exercise 2 ECTS credits
- Tools for Programming, 1 ECTS credit
- Basics of Object Oriented Programming, 5 ECTS credits
- Advanced Course in Object Oriented Programming, 5 ECTS credits
- Web Programming, 5 ECTS credits
- Organised by the University of Turku. More information and enrolment links on University of Turku Website.
Jokaiselle opintokokonaisuuden opintojaksolle ilmoittaudutaan erikseen. Oheisesta linkistä voit ilmoittautua Turun AMK:n järjestämälle opintojaksolle Design and Use of Relational Databases.
Questions on how to enroll?
Please get in touch! You can also reach out if you need an electronic transcript of records.
University of Turku:
please see University of Turku website for exact contact details.
Turku University of Applied Sciences:
Open UAS (